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3 Exercises That Will Make Your Ankles As Strong As Tree Trunks


3 Exercises That Will Make Your Ankles As Strong As Tree Trunks

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3 Exercises That Will Make Your Ankles As Strong As Tree Trunks

# 3 Exercises That Will Help Strengthen Your Ankles

According to the butterfly effect, making a small change now can lead to significant results later on. This concept can also be applied to the human body. If you neglect your ankle strengthening exercises, it can have a cascading effect on other parts of your body, especially your hips.

Physical therapist Karena Wu, DPT, from ActiveCare Physical Therapy in New York City and India, explains that the ankle is connected to the hip and other parts of the lower body. Weak ankles can put strain on the knees and hips, leading to imbalances in the body’s kinetic chain.

This issue is especially common among people who participate in activities like running, tennis, soccer, beach volleyball, or other sports involving sudden stops and starts on uneven surfaces. The risk of injury increases when the lower body is not properly supported by strong ankles.

Strengthening your ankles is crucial for maintaining the health of your hips and the entire lower body. Airrosti physical therapist Anthony Pavlich, DPT, recommends three ankle-strengthening exercises for everyone to try.

## 3 Recommended Ankle-Strengthening Exercises

### 1. Monster Walks
– Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place a resistance band around your calves.
– Engage your core and shift your hips back into a half squat position.
– Keep your head and chest up, making sure your knees are at a 120-degree angle and stay behind your toes.
– Push your knees out and walk forward and backward while maintaining the half-squat position.
– Keep your feet parallel and toes pointed forward throughout the exercise.

### 2. Single Leg Deadlift
– Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
– Keep one foot on the ground and extend the opposite leg straight behind you by bending at the hip.
– Reach your arms down in front of your body or place them on your hips to ensure your backside is flat.
– Return your leg to the ground and switch sides. For added difficulty, hold a dumbbell in one or both hands.

### 3. Split Squats
– Get into a lunge position with one leg forward and one leg back.
– Slowly lower yourself to tap your back knee on the ground.
– Engage your glute muscles to raise yourself back up to a standing position.
– Perform an equal number of reps on each side to maintain balance and strength.

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