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5  MethodsTo Balance Your Hormones, Lose Weight & Live Free As A Feather


5  MethodsTo Balance Your Hormones, Lose Weight & Live Free As A Feather

Lose Weight

Lose Weight: Image Source

  1. Feed your Soul

Lose Weight – Depending upon the time of year and your specific circumstances, your soul can need different things. The feeling of connection and understanding by your friend or loved one, some physical activity in a supportive group (or independently to be with your ideas), some religious time satisfied through journaling, meditation or yoga, and a fulfilling livelihood are things that FEED OUR SOULS.

Deficiency of focus (purpose) in those areas actually CREATES an over-reliance on edible food. Sadly, this often leads to us craving sugars and processed foods, such as the instant gratification provided by the chemical responses within our minds. We literally trick ourselves briefly into feeling better. Instead, attempt 1-3 of those things previously and see how you feel then.

  1. Drink Water

Many individuals are chronically dehydrated. Drinking half our weight in ounces per day keeps our metabolism cranking at peak efficiency and our digestive system working well. Because of all the sodas, juices & sweetened teas around these days, we often confuse thirst for hunger. Sweet drinks do not moisturize; they DEHYDRATE doing nothing for us and really adding on to our waist. If you are having difficulty with this, think about adding water-rich veggies as snacks into your main foods to compensate for where you may fall short.

Try this:

As an example, if you need 100 ounces (meaning you’re 200 pounds). Get a water bottle that is at least 20 ounces. 100 / 20 = 5, which means you want to drink five per day. If you have 1 bottle when you first wake up in the morning (include lemon if you’re gutsy), have 1 bottle during your morning commute (if you drive to work) in case you don’t operate (before your next meal that ought to be lunch but after breakfast), 1 bottle between lunch and dinner. One later dinner and lastly, have a final one before bed.

Now that might seem like a lot of water but it’s doing so many good things for your body. Some people today go years dehydrated and consequently find themselves unnecessary drugs when the underlying issue was JUST WATER.

  1. Eat More Plant-Based Meals or Add Veggies For Lose Weight 

Plant-based food is generally reduced in fat and calories, higher in satisfying fiber than meat, dairy and processed/packaged foods while still supplying LOADS of crucial nutrients. If you end up with a lot of nutritional supplements, instead examine your diet and see where you could be adding more veggies. Look for foods that supply the particular vitamin, mineral or nutrient advantage you’re looking for. You’ll never get the benefits from a greater source, than in the real thing.

  1. Chew Your Food Well

Now I know this may seem absurd, but good digestion begins from the mouth. Nourishment; you will also slow down your consumption allowing your body to grab.

However, over time you will develop what I call “Selective Indulgence” which is when your body begins to synchronize and you intuitively know what your body needs for nourishment at that moment. Until then, it requires About 20 minutes for the brain to register that it is full. By slowing you are eating, you’ll feel full and satisfied with less food.

  1. Eat Real Food

Unfortunately, if you reside in the USA, then there’s a Good Deal of FAKE food around. So getting to know nutrition labels is the Secret to ensuring your wellbeing and energy. Avoid products with high-fructose corn a very long list of unpronounceable ingredients.

But unfortunately, that’s exactly what our wellbeing is these days. And to conquer this, it takes YOU becoming educated, getting healthy and advocating for your health, the health of your loved ones and our community. By taking part in these 5 steps you’re helping to balance your hormones, eliminate weight and stay free as a feather, but you are also participate in my #InHerHonor motion.

#InHerHonor is a MISSION & MOVEMENT motivated by my late mother, who was self-conscious about her weight into the point of disease. In her honor, I’ve created the #InHerHonor movement to assist women release the weight of guilt, guilt, frustration, fat shaming, yo-yo dieting, demanding workouts, calorie counting, starvation, and super supplementation therefore that she (YOU) may reside free as a feather!

It’s my life’s work assisting conscientious, ambitious, soulful ladies manage stress, boost and keep their vitality, eat better, achieve ideal and sustainable weight, conquer food cravings with confidence, and employ an enjoyable exercise routine with ease, and make lasting lifestyle improvements. So you can become the happiest, healthiest variant of you ~ that’s Living Free as a Feather!

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