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Alternative Steps to Pimple Popping


Alternative Steps to Pimple Popping

Image Source: Aquarius Studio / Shutterstock

Alternative Steps to Pimple Popping

Waking up with a large pimple can be both annoying and strangely satisfying. While acne is a hassle, extracting a pimple can give a bit of a Dr. Pimple Popper moment. To make the most of these bittersweet acne situations, we consulted dermatologist Dr. Mona Gohara for a proper protocol to follow when dealing with a pimple on your face.

Identifying a whitehead may seem simple, but it’s more complex. Dr. Gohara explains that a whitehead is technically called a closed comedone, which is a small inflammatory lesion containing keratin, skin proteins, bacteria, and skin cells under a dome-like structure.

Dr. Gohara points out that Acne Vulgaris is a long-term condition that can appear at any age between puberty and menopause. Hormonal fluctuations, genetic predisposition to oily skin, and skincare products are common causes of acne.

Many acne causes are beyond your control, which might make popping pimples even more satisfying. While dermatologists usually advise against popping pimples, there is a correct way to do it if you can’t resist the urge.

Below, Dr. Gohara shares a step-by-step guide for safely extracting a pimple at home.

How to Properly Extract a Whitehead, According to a Dermatologist

Step 1: Cleanse Your Hands and Face

It may seem obvious, but washing your hands and gently cleansing your face are crucial steps before attempting to extract a pimple. Maintaining cleanliness is essential to avoid introducing new bacteria to your skin.

Step 2: Use a Comedone Extractor

Instead of using your fingers, opt for a comedone extractor as recommended by Dr. Gohara. Gently apply pressure with the tool around the whitehead until it comes out. After use, remember to clean the extractor with your face cleanser for future use.

Step 3: Re-wash Your Face and Apply a Pimple Patch

After re-cleansing your face to remove any remaining residue, apply a pimple patch. Ensure the patch has a colloid dressing to aid in wound healing, reduce inflammation, and protect the area from further contact.

Step 4: Monitor the Area the Following Day

Regularly wash your face as usual. If the whitehead persists, consider using a small amount of benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid spot treatment as recommended by dermatologists.

By following these steps, you can safely deal with a pimple at home according to Dr. Mona Gohara’s advice.

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