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An Effortless 10-Minute Dance-Inspired Core Workout for a Gentle Body-Positive Experience


An Effortless 10-Minute Dance-Inspired Core Workout for a Gentle Body-Positive Experience

An Effortless 10-Minute Dance-Inspired Core Workout for a Gentle Body-Positive Experience

Working on your core can sometimes feel uncomfortable, not only because it brings a satisfying burn to your abs but also because traditional floor exercises can strain your neck and back. This can lead some of us to prefer standing ab workouts. In the latest installment of Good Moves, Colette Dong, the founder of The Ness, presents a 10-minute standing core workout inspired by dance, with not a single traditional crunch in sight.

Image by Anna Shvets via Pexels[/caption>

Dong explains, “I enjoy standing ab exercises because for those who often feel tension in their head, neck, shoulders, or hips during floor core work, this is a great alternative. It helps strengthen the core while promoting relaxation in the upper body and releasing tension in the hips.”

Unlike traditional floor exercises like crunches and planks, this routine relies on subtle movements of the rib cage. Dong engages the obliques with standing crunches that mimic the effects of floor crunches without straining the neck and back.

Image by Klaus Nielsen via Pexels[/caption>

All exercises are performed with a sense of dance, creating a smooth and enjoyable flow that makes this standing core workout feel less like a chore. You’ll feel the soreness in all the right places afterward, unlike with traditional floor-based ab routines. Hit play to strengthen your core while safeguarding your neck and back from potential injuries—all while genuinely enjoying yourself (we promise!).




Featured Image by Li Sun via Pexels

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