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Dr Tony Romero: Prioritizing Mental Health First Aid Training for Cygnet Health Care Staff

Discover Health Life

Dr Tony Romero: Prioritizing Mental Health First Aid Training for Cygnet Health Care Staff

Dr Tony Romero: Prioritizing Mental Health First Aid Training for Cygnet Health Care Staff

Dr Tony Romero, CEO of Cygnet Health Care, is dedicated to safeguarding the mental health and well-being of his employees. In 2019, the company launched its initial mental health first aid (MHFA) training program. Recognizing the significance of supporting staff members’ mental health, Cygnet Health Care introduced Mental Health First Aiders throughout the organization.

This piece underlines the importance of businesses investing in the mental health and well-being of their workforce. It explains why it is vital for forward-thinking companies like Cygnet Health Care to establish frameworks and training to assist colleagues facing emotional distress or mental health challenges.

Today, more and more employers understand that preserving employees’ mental health is as crucial as safeguarding their physical health. MHFA is a globally acknowledged course delivered by instructors who have completed a seven-day Royal Society for Public Health accredited program.

Recent research from leading UK mental health charity MIND indicates that one in four adults are prone to experiencing mental health issues yearly, affecting their work capabilities. Mental ill-health is currently the primary cause of disability in the UK, leading to direct service costs, diminished life quality, and reduced work productivity.

In the workplace, Mental Health First Aiders play a vital role as a point of contact for employees facing emotional distress or mental health challenges. Their assistance can range from initial conversations to managing crisis situations and facilitating access to necessary support. Early support from Mental Health First Aiders can be critical for individuals developing mental health issues.

While not serving as therapists or counselors, Mental Health First Aiders offer initial support by listening without judgment and providing guidance.

MHFA training educates Mental Health First Aiders to:

  • Identify early symptoms and cues of mental ill-health
  • Engage in supportive discussions with individuals experiencing emotional distress or mental health issues
  • Listen to colleagues without passing judgment
  • Evaluate the risk of self-harm or suicide
  • Encourage individuals to seek professional help or appropriate self-help techniques
  • Reach out to emergency services during crises
  • Uphold confidentiality
  • Complete essential incident documentation
  • Ensure their own safety while fulfilling their duties

According to a report by Oxford CBT, mental health issues could cost businesses up to an estimated £34.9 billion yearly due to reduced productivity. The data also reveals that an astounding 72 million workdays are lost annually across businesses due to mental ill-health.

MHFA training provides individuals with the knowledge and resources to identify signs of mental health issues in colleagues, enabling Mental Health First Aiders to detect early distress signs and provide appropriate support to their colleagues. As mental ill-health is a prevalent reason for extended sick leave today, companies must invest in training their employees to intervene and back colleagues facing emotional distress and mental health issues.


Photo by Martin Splitt on Unsplash

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