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Effective Exercises for Enhancing Balance and Stability in Your Foot and Ankle


Effective Exercises for Enhancing Balance and Stability in Your Foot and Ankle

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Effective Exercises for Enhancing Balance and Stability in Your Foot and Ankle

When thinking about your workout routine and which muscles to focus on, the foot and ankle might not be the first body parts that come to mind. However, the foot and ankle complex play a crucial role in supporting your body weight and facilitating movement as they are in constant contact with the ground.

According to Brian Kinslow, PT, DPT, owner of Evolve Flagstaff, the foot is a remarkable structure with 26 bones, over a dozen muscles, and numerous nerve endings. It acts as a shock absorber, a lever for propulsion, and provides sensory information to the brain about body positioning.

Research indicates that during activities like running or jumping, the foot and ankle endure significant amounts of force, sometimes up to five times your body weight. Additionally, they must handle forces in multiple planes of motion while stabilizing the body.

Significance of Strengthening the Foot and Ankle Complex

Given the amount of force and variety of movements the feet and ankles endure, it’s no surprise that injuries in this region are common among active individuals. Moreover, the health of the foot and ankle has a direct impact on the rest of the leg, influencing how force is distributed and absorbed.

It’s important to recognize the unique biomechanics of the foot and ankle complex, which consists of the forefoot, midfoot, and rearfoot, each serving distinct functions in movement and stability.

Dr. Kinslow emphasizes that foot and ankle health is integral to overall orthopedic health and should be prioritized even in the absence of pain or discomfort.

If you haven’t focused on strengthening your foot and ankle before, here are five evidence-based exercises with progressions to enhance strength and function.

5 Essential Foot and Ankle Exercises

1. Foot and Ankle Eversion with Band

Sit on the ground with legs extended in front of you. Loop a resistance band around the ball of one foot, holding the ends in the opposite hand. Rotate your foot outward and inward. Begin with two sets of 15 repetitions per foot and gradually increase to three sets of 25 reps.

2. Toe Curls with Towel

Sit in a chair with a towel under your feet. Curl your toes to pull the towel towards you. Start with two sets of 15 reps and progress to three sets of 25 reps.

3. Seated Heel and Toe Raises

Lift and lower your heels and toes while seated in a chair. Gradually increase repetitions and progress to standing for added difficulty.

4. Short Foot

Lift the arches of your feet while seated, without curling your toes. Progress to standing and eventually balancing on one leg.

5. Balance

Stand on one leg for 30 seconds, then switch sides. Repeat for three rounds and challenge yourself further by balancing on a soft surface or with closed eyes.

These exercises aim to enhance strength, mobility, balance, and proprioception in the foot and ankle complex, improving your ability to meet the demands of daily activities and sports. Incorporate these into your routine to boost the health and function of your feet and ankles.

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