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Five Upper Back Exercises for Better Posture


Five Upper Back Exercises for Better Posture

Five Upper Back Exercises for Better Posture

Many daily activities involve “pull” motions that engage the muscles in our upper backs. Strengthening these muscles with targeted exercises is crucial for effortless daily movements and overall well-being.

According to Brianna Bernard, a certified personal trainer and Isopure athlete, the upper back plays a vital role in pulling movements and acts as a counterbalance to the chest muscles responsible for pushing actions. Balancing these muscle groups through exercise helps prevent injuries and promotes body stability.

Importance of Upper Back Exercises

Lee Jimenez of YogaSix GO highlights the significance of working the five key muscles in the upper back that facilitate various arm and shoulder movements. Strengthening these muscles not only supports posture but also helps prevent lower back pain and maintain overall body composition.

Recommended Upper Back Exercises

1. Supermans

Begin your routine with Supermans to activate upper back muscles and prepare them for heavier exercises. Lie on your stomach, arms extended overhead, lift both arms and legs simultaneously while engaging your glutes, and lower back down slowly.

2. Banded Pull Apart

This exercise improves shoulder health and stabilizes muscles like the rhomboids and rear delts. Stand holding a resistance band with straight arms at shoulder level, pull the band apart and return to the starting position.

3. I.Y.T Raises

A versatile exercise targeting the entire upper back, shoulders, and rotator cuff. Using dumbbells, raise your arms overhead in ‘I’, ‘Y’, and ‘T’ shapes to strengthen and stretch the muscles effectively.

Image by Marta Wave via Pexels

4. Pull-ups

Modify pull-ups to suit your fitness level and engage all upper back muscles. Hang from a bar with palms facing away, engage core and legs, pull yourself up, and lower down slowly to make the most of this exercise.

Image by cottonbro via Pexels

5. Single-Arm Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows

Target your lats with this exercise that engages one side of the back at a time. Lean forward, bend elbows to pull dumbbells towards your body, and focus on proper form and muscle engagement.

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