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Here Are The Things That Can Help You To Manage Portions During A Diet Plan Followed

Weight Loss

Here Are The Things That Can Help You To Manage Portions During A Diet Plan Followed

Here Are The Things That Can Help You To Manage Portions During A Diet Plan Followed

Here Are The Things That Can Help You To Manage Portions During A Diet Plan Followed

Do you have any specific weight loss goals? Are you working out regularly and sincerely? Are you eating healthy home-cooked meals? Have you cut on all junk food? Wow! that is really amazing. What! You are following a customized weight loss diet plan and despite that, you are not losing weight? Now that is something you need to think about. Oh! btw, have you taken note of your food portions? I think the problem lies there. Yes, I know that because I have experienced that personally when despite making all possible efforts to lose some extra weight, I had been failing. Then I reconsidered my portions of healthy meals and realized that I was eating too many calories unknowingly. If that is the case with you, then you too need to consider portion control in your daily diet.

Well telling someone to control portions is easy but determining the ideal portion size can be really challenging. So today I plan to share with you the easy ways to become more mindful of how big or small portion sizes are you consuming. This will surely help you reach your fitness goals better.

Portion size, matters

On any diet program or even otherwise while eating regular meals it is important to keep an eye on your food portions. Do you know that portion control is eating a handful of your favorite food but with an awareness of its nutritional value?

Whenever you are following a customized weight loss diet plan it becomes mandatory to keep an account of what kind of food is providing which nutritional value to your body. If you think eating junk food in small portions will help in losing weight, yes you might be right but that won’t be the right kind of portion control we are talking about.

Image by Katerina Holmes via Pexels

While being on any weight loss diet it is important to be aware of the goals of your eating plan. Imbalanced portions of even the healthiest of food can easily undermine your weight loss efforts. If you wish to know about hand diet for portion control, click this link…

Tips and tricks

If you are able to control the food portions that can help you with a healthy weight loss by eating nutritious food following the right eating pattern. Let me follow a few easy tips so that you can do the right portion control at the right time to make a healthy lifestyle work for you.

  • Think about the last time you had a big portion of your favorite food or about the healthy food you had in excess. I mean to say that you need to think about how a big portion of any kind of food makes you feel. I hate that feeling of bloating even after consuming a big healthy salad for dinner. The morning after that makes me feel awful with the aftertaste in my mouth and the burps reminding me of the last healthy meal I had. Lol… that makes me rethink my portion size.
  • Serving and portion sizes have a lot of differences between them which is the thing people need to consider during eating out of the home. There can be two or three portions on the plate when food is served on it. You can’t get the suitable portion size by the serving size.
  • When you opt for a customized meal plan it should clearly mention your portion size not serving size.
  • The right portion of food is the amount that can allow you to keep the body full of energy and nutrients with satisfaction and keep you away from cravings.
  • For those who track calories, please use your total daily calorie goal to make the right decision about your portion size per meal keeping in mind the nutrition value.
  • Use any of the good online calorie goal calculators that are available free to set a daily calorie goal. These calculate calories on the basis of your gender, age, height, present and target weight, as well as your activity level.

  • You can go for a kitchen weighing scale if you want to keep a check initially though I still say, follow your gut.

    Image by Nathan Cowley via Pexels


  • According to my experience, this tip is going to help you a lot. Consider every meal as 1 snack. You can manage the portions by using a standard bowl every day. You will see a massive effect of your diet on your weight loss by having 4 -5 meals a day.

Whatever anyone might say, the ultimate aim of any customized weight loss diet plan is to make you consume lesser calories than what your body utilizes on a daily basis. All you need to take care of is to reach your health and weight loss goals in a sustainable way. No, you do not have to deprive yourself of daily nutrition in order to achieve that. All you need to pay attention to is including all essentials of a healthy meal including all good fats and carbohydrates also. If you think you need a customized weight loss diet plan, contact us.


Featured Image by Karl Solano via Pexels

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