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How To Keep Leafy Greens Fresh In The Fridge For At Least A Week

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How To Keep Leafy Greens Fresh In The Fridge For At Least A Week

Image Source: casanisa / Shutterstock

How To Keep Leafy Greens Fresh In The Fridge For At Least A Week

Following a low-carb diet for nearly three years and occasionally eating meat over the past year, I often contemplate my daily food choices.


Despite my love for cabbage, I reduced consumption after hearing concerns about its impact on thyroid health.


Although I enjoy cauliflower, I dislike finding insects inside when cutting it for dishes like cauliflower rice.

Spinach; Lettuce

The challenge with delicate leafy greens like spinach and lettuce is their tendency to wilt quickly in the refrigerator.

When these greens are not readily available in the market, and frequent market visits are not feasible, finding ways to preserve them for future use becomes essential. Exploring different preservation methods, I came across effective suggestions that I will share in this post.

Coriander and Lettuce

To keep coriander and lettuce fresh for over a week, wrap them in kitchen towels or newspapers before storing in the refrigerator. This method helps maintain their freshness for an extended period.

Similarly, storing lettuce in a zip bag lined with tissue paper, without completely sealing the bag, can keep it fresh for more than 10 days.


Spinach is a staple that I require year-round. However, preserving delicate green vegetables like spinach for an extended period seemed challenging until I discovered effective preservation methods.

Fresh for a week

One way to keep spinach leaves fresh for about a week is by snipping off the bottom part of the bunch and placing it in a glass of water in the fridge. This method helps retain the freshness of spinach leaves until a new batch is ready for use.

Alternatively, wrapping the spinach in newspaper or kitchen towels can also help maintain its freshness for more than a week in the refrigerator.

Another creative way I preserve spinach is by blending it into a puree, freezing it in ice trays, and storing the cubes in Ziplock bags. This method allows me to use the spinach cubes in various dishes like soups, gravies, and smoothies when needed, enabling long-term preservation.

Besides spinach, fresh green peas can also be preserved in the freezer for an extended period. As my family enjoys dishes like ‘Green peas masala pulao,’ I found a way to stock up peas for the entire year.


During the pea-abundant winter season, I buy a large quantity of green peas at a low cost, peel, wash, dry, and store them in Ziplock bags or other suitable containers in the freezer. This method allows me to have a fresh supply of green peas throughout the year, ensuring I can satisfy my son’s pulao cravings whenever they arise.

After six months in the freezer, my homemade frozen peas retain their freshness and taste, serving as a convenient alternative to fresh green peas in various dishes.

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