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Modifications Required in Your Daily Schedule to Eliminate Irregular Menstrual Cycles

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Modifications Required in Your Daily Schedule to Eliminate Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Modifications Required in Your Daily Schedule to Eliminate Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Modifications Required in Your Daily Schedule to Eliminate Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Hello Ladies,

Today, I want to discuss how to address irregular menstrual cycles through lifestyle adjustments.

Image by Polina Zimmerman via Pexels.

Some time back, I sought advice from a gynecologist due to my irregular periods. I recall her emphasizing the importance of lifestyle changes. Initially, I believed medication was the sole solution. But, I soon realized I was mistaken.

After a while, I experienced weight gain (8 kg in 6 months), acid reflux, frequent headaches, and more. It was then I consulted a gynecologist in Bangalore who introduced me to lifestyle alterations that can work wonders.

Modifications Required in Your Daily Schedule to Eliminate Irregular Menstrual Cycles

“Lifestyle change” primarily encompasses:

  • Diet
  • Exercise

These changes are not just for addressing irregular periods or managing weight but also to rectify fundamental lifestyle flaws that have led to our current situation, be it PCOS, thyroid disorders, or obesity. It’s about correcting our routines.


Your diet should include foods that reduce Testosterone (male hormone) levels as elevated testosterone can disrupt the menstrual cycle. Hence, incorporate the following foods into your meals.

Image by silviarita via Pixabay

  • Fiber-rich foods like whole wheat, oats, dates, cabbage
  • Green and yellow vegetables
  • Calcium and Vitamin D rich foods such as milk, yogurt, spinach
  • Omega 3 fatty acids like Amla, Eggs
  • Avoid excessive sugar intake (e.g., in candies) to maintain insulin levels
  • Avoid oily foods like samosas, french fries, deep-fried dishes
  • Avoid junk food like burgers (containing refined flour) and sodas


Weight loss plays a crucial role in reducing testosterone levels.

  • Commence with brisk walks, then progress to jogging
  • Participate in group fitness activities like Zumba, yoga, and aerobics for motivation and proper guidance
  • Enroll in a dance class to burn calories joyfully
  • Engage in outdoor sports like tennis, volleyball
  • Consider joining a Gym with experienced trainers for proper guidance and motivation

What Worked for Me

By following the routine below, I successfully overcame irregular periods, weight gain, headaches, and acid reflux.

  • Consulted a Gynecologist who prescribed medication
  • Engaged in 1 hour of aerobics daily without fail, initially pushed myself until it became a routine
  • Avoided indulging in junk food excessively but allowed myself occasional treats
  • Included Oats or Ragi in my daily diet
  • Started my day with a spoon of dry powdered Amla with warm water
  • Increased water intake throughout the day
  • Maintained regular meal times to avoid overeating due to cravings or dieting

Ladies, I hope these tips help you manage irregular periods effectively.

I overcame it, and so can you! Stay motivated.

Until next time, take care! Goodbye!

Ladies – If you want more details on Testosterone, feel free to ask; I can share information about my supplements.

P.S. – Despite having high testosterone levels, I remain undeterred. Love, Tarun

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Featured Image by Alina Blumberg via Pexels

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