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Some Recent Developments In Personalized Medicine That Will Leave You Moved About The Future

General Health

Some Recent Developments In Personalized Medicine That Will Leave You Moved About The Future

Some Recent Developments In Personalized Medicine That Will Leave You Moved About The Future

If you think you’re getting older and it’s all downhill from here on out, then here’s some good news: we’re seeing massive advances in personalized medicine. Every year, the field moves forward, and we get closer to the day when individuals will be able to undergo a health assessment and get treatments designed for them.

Drug Responses

It has been acknowledged for a long time that every person’s body reacts differently to a certain drug. There is always a broad range of results in clinical trials. Some of the patients show a positive outcome while others show no change. Some of them have to suffer due to the harm caused by the drug.

The idea of personalized medicine, however, is to tailor drugs to fit the individual. For instance, many elderly people need a lower dose of certain drugs to keep themselves healthy because their livers process the compounds more slowly. However, many studies are done on younger people, and the results might not translate.

Personalized Telemedicine

Imagine being able to upload your medical history and then talk to a digital personal assistant about your health conditions. It would be cool, right? The robot would scan through all your information and then make recommendations on your current situation.

Brad Schaeffer with MedComp has been tackling issues like these for a long time now and has developed a robot called Roz that’s designed to answer health-related questions. It’s a helpful advance in telemedicine and frees up doctors for the most challenging patients.

Image by Luis J. via Pexels

AI-Based Diagnostics

Every individual has varied symptoms of the same disease. If talking about heart disease, some people face tingling and numbness due to the buildup of small clots in all their peripheral blood vessels. However, others don’t show any symptoms before a heart attack.

Why this happens is a mystery at the moment. But soon AI will be able to wrap its enormous synthetic mind around the problem and provide meaningful answers.

Artificial intelligence, for instance, could collect data on millions of patients and then look for correlations in the data. It could then use these insights to determine the precise form that disease was likely to take in any individual. This approach would help doctors better manage their patients. And it could even preempt problems years or decades in the future.

Why Isn’t Personalized Medicine Everywhere? 

With all these advances, you might be wondering why personalized medicine isn’t everywhere yet.

The reason has to do with ethical issues. For instance, it’s hard for regulators to come up with strict standards for administering drugs based on individual biomarkers and indicators, particularly in the case of genetic disease.

There is also the increased cost of collecting all the necessary data. Scientists might have an inkling that drugs work better in some patients than others. But to make definitive statements about who should receive what, they will need to control for multiple dimensions. And that’s hard.

The truth is that personalized medicine is already here today. But it is going to require a change in computing power to roll it out to the masses effectively.

Image by Mahmoud Ahmed via Pixabay




Featured Image by Steve Buissinne via Pixabay

*collaborative post


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