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Tips to Improve Your Pilates Bicycle Form


Tips to Improve Your Pilates Bicycle Form

Image Source: DC Studio / Shutterstock

Tips to Improve Your Pilates Bicycle Form

During a Pilates class, the bicycle exercise can be challenging and may leave you feeling like a struggling turtle. However, there are ways to enhance your form to target the right muscles efficiently. In a recent episode of The Right Way, Chloe De Winter, a Pilates instructor and the founder of Go with Chlo, provides guidance on perfecting the Pilates bicycle move.

One common mistake De Winter observes is individuals pedaling too quickly, which can compromise form. Speeding through the exercise can lead to twisting and lifting of the torso off the ground. It’s essential to maintain a controlled pace to execute the move effectively.

When performing the bicycle move, it is crucial to keep your pelvis flat against the floor and engage your core while lifting each leg. While there is natural shifting between sides as you alternate legs, your pelvis and lower back should remain grounded for proper alignment.

Another common error is individuals holding their hands behind their necks and pulling excessively. This can strain the neck and disrupt form. Instead, place your hands behind your head as a stabilization technique to focus on engaging your core and legs. Visualize your hands resting lightly as if holding bicycle handles to emphasize core and leg strength.

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