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Top 3 Benefits Of Drinking Tender Coconut Water

Weight Loss

Top 3 Benefits Of Drinking Tender Coconut Water

Image Source: Pixabay

Top 3 Benefits Of Drinking Tender Coconut Water

There is nothing in this world like our good old tender coconut water. Having lived in Chennai all my life I have had a 24×7 access to it. With the changing times or can I say progressing times coconut water is available even in North India.  The echoes of its goodness are not limited to India.  They have transcended borders and reached farfetched places but sadly commercial brands have poked in their noses and tender coconut water has been loaded with sugar and additives. Don’t go in for processed versions just be natural!

Every morning I see a crowd around the tender coconut vendor. He has roaring business as I see him cutting coconut after coconut and serving them with straws to the customers. So many office goers and college students have their fill of coconut water and the tender ‘malai’.  Tempting you know!! It is definitely better than the cold drinks that claim to quench your thirst. Ok, so let me quickly tell you how good tender coconut water is for health.

Benefits Of Drinking Tender Coconut Water

  • It provides an energy boost and is a great way to start the day.
  • It is low in calories and a great drink for weight watchers. It helps shedding unwanted kilos. It reduces food cravings and keeps one feeling full. It can be called one of the healthiest ways of losing weight.
  • Really good for people suffering from dehydration.  It is good as a drink that replenishes the body with electrolytes that are lost after rigorous work out or exercise.
  • Helps in keeping the body cool.
  • It is a diuretic (a fluid that makes you urinate more frequently). It flushes out waste from the body with greater ease and also prevents urinary troubles
  • It is found to be effective in dissolving kidney stones.
  • It is good for heart health. It also reduces the risk of heart attacks.
  • Coconut water regulates the blood circulation and prevents the formation of plaque.
  • Coconut water also helps to increase good cholesterol.
  • Found to be beneficial for people with stomach troubles.  It has enzymes that help in easy digestion.
  • Regulates the blood pressure as it has potassium in it. (It has more potassium than four bananas!!)  Rich in magnesium also it is helpful for people who suffer from low blood pressure. Drinking coconut water regularly contributes to health and prevents heart strokes. Controls sugar levels for diabetes patients.
  • Coconut water has anti bacterial and anti viral properties.
  • Prevents aging of the skin and applying it directly on to acne and other skin problems is bound to show good results. Including it in your diet regularly can give you a a soft and supple skin.
  • It prevents muscular cramps.
  • It has antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body.
  • It is good for the hair health too.

So many health benefits!!  I guess we all should go ahead and enjoy this elixir of life. Don’t buy packaged coconut water; there is nothing like fresh tender coconut water.

Until next time, take care!!

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