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Various Common Back Problems and Their Remedies

General Health

Various Common Back Problems and Their Remedies

Various Common Back Problems and Their Remedies

Living day-to-day life can be challenging, especially when dealing with the pressures of family, work, and the ongoing global health crisis. Unfortunately, some individuals are affected by common back problems that can significantly impact their well-being and quality of life.

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Back issues can have lasting effects on the body, leading to pain, chronic injuries, psychological stress, and anxiety if not properly addressed. Treating back problems can be challenging and time-consuming, with no guaranteed results as the issues may reoccur due to inadequate treatment.

Although there are various back problems, some of the most common include:

  • Lower back strain
  • Osteoporosis
  • Lumbar Hernia

Lower back strain can have multiple causes and is typically temporary. On the other hand, osteoporosis can result in severe pain and significantly impact daily life, while lumbar hernia tends to develop with age and makes spinal disk tears more likely.

Lower Back Strain

One of the most frequent back issues is a simple strain, which can escalate if not treated promptly or if undue pressure is exerted on the back without allowing adequate time for healing. Back strains can occur due to factors such as heavy lifting, sudden movements, and lack of physical activity.

This common problem can be managed by resting and using over-the-counter treatments like pain relievers, back supports, and pain relief gels. When used appropriately and in combination, these simple remedies are often effective for back strains, but persistent pain may necessitate a visit to a healthcare professional such as Our Family Chiropractor, a general practitioner, or a specialist.


Osteoporosis, primarily caused by calcium deficiency, is a condition that weakens bones due to decreased mineral density, ultimately affecting the spine. More prevalent in women over 50 than men, osteoporosis affects approximately 200 million people globally and is often linked to poor dietary choices, excessive alcohol consumption, and eating disorders.

Although osteoporosis has no cure, numerous treatments are available, with prescription calcium-modifying medications like Fosamax and Actonel being common choices to address both the cause and symptoms over the long term. Additionally, temperature-based approaches, such as warm baths and ice packs, have been effective in relieving some osteoporosis-related pain.

Lumbar Hernia

A more severe back injury, lumbar hernia occurs as individuals age and the spinal disks become more prone to tearing from simple movements like twisting, turning, or bending. This condition can lead to the penetration of bodily structures such as the bowels through the lumbar triangles of the back. Due to its symptoms and diagnostic challenges, lumbar hernia may be misidentified as another condition and consequently receive inadequate treatment until correctly identified.

Symptoms associated with lumbar hernia include back pain, swelling, abdominal cramps, and soreness of the back and abdomen, making accurate diagnosis challenging. Treatment typically involves pain relief measures initially, but surgical correction may eventually be required. In the meantime, minimizing movement and seeking over-the-counter treatments are recommended to prevent worsening the condition.

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*collaborative post




Featured Image by Karolina Grabowska via Pexels

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