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Ways to Improve Your Coordination


Ways to Improve Your Coordination

Image Source: fizkes / Shutterstock

Ways to Improve Your Coordination

Improving coordination, which involves executing smooth and controlled body movements effortlessly, is beneficial for everyone, not just professional athletes or dancers. Having good coordination makes daily tasks safer and more efficient, according to Molly Frankinburger, DPT, PT, CSCS. It goes beyond sports skills like throwing or hitting a ball.

There are three main types of coordination: hand-eye skills, fine motor skills, and gross motor skills. Good coordination means being able to perform accurate actions smoothly on all these levels by adjusting movement based on feedback from various body systems like vision and proprioception.

Daily activities are more biomechanically complex than we think, involving multiple joints and body regions. Practicing coordination exercises is like tuning an instrument to improve how your body moves.

To enhance coordination, focus on exercises that involve repetition and speed, gradually increasing the speed until you can perform them accurately. Aim for 30–50 reps of each exercise three to four times a week.

Exercises to Improve Coordination

1. Jumping rope

Dr. Frankinburger suggests this simple exercise, even without a rope, as it helps coordinate hand motion with hopping, combining fine and gross motor skills.

Benefits: Develops coordination by linking hand and leg movements.

2. Bird dog

Starting on all fours, lift your opposite arm and leg simultaneously, then switch sides, building core stability and coordination.

Benefits: Enhances core stability and distal movement coordination.

3. Standing march

Lift your knees alternately while standing to coordinate hip flexion and core stability, improving balance and coordination.

Benefits: Enhances balance and coordination using hip flexion and core stability.

4. Overhead squat

Perform a squat with arms raised overhead to coordinate whole-body movements using hip flexion and core stability.

Benefits: Improves coordination through hip flexion and core stability.

5. Walking lunge

Perform walking lunges to improve balance, stability, and trunk coordination.

Benefits: Enhances balance, stability, and trunk coordination.

Key Points

Coordination is crucial for smooth movements and injury prevention, involving speed, agility, and precision. It encompasses hand-eye skills, fine motor skills, and gross motor skills. Consistent practice of coordination exercises several times a week is essential for building the brain-body connection required for good coordination.

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