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What Is Conjunctivitis & How To Get Rid Of It?

General Health

What Is Conjunctivitis & How To Get Rid Of It?

Image Source: Yurii_Yarema / Shutterstock

What Is Conjunctivitis & How To Get Rid Of It?

**What Is Conjunctivitis & How To Get Rid Of It?**

If you have ever experienced conjunctivitis, you are well aware of how uncomfortable it can be. Conjunctivitis often leads to itchy and swollen eyes and is commonly known as “pink eye” due to the redness it causes in the eyes. This article provides a comprehensive overview of this prevalent eye condition and ways to manage it.

**What Is Conjunctivitis?**

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin, transparent membrane that covers the eye. It results in red, sore, and inflamed eyes. While conjunctivitis is generally a temporary inconvenience and resolves on its own within one to two weeks, neglecting it can lead to blocked tear ducts. Many individuals initially attempt basic over-the-counter treatments like eye drops. It is essential to differentiate conjunctivitis from other conditions that may cause red eyes, such as ingrown eyelashes or dry eyes.

**What Can Cause Conjunctivitis?**

– **A Foreign Object in the Eye:** Anything from chemical splashes to flying debris entering the eye can trigger conjunctivitis. Individuals in occupations like factory work, laboratory settings, and hospitality are particularly prone to encountering chemicals without adequate personal protective equipment.

– **Viruses and Bacteria:** The majority of pink eye cases originate from the adenovirus, but they can also be initiated by viruses like varicella-zoster, herpes simplex, and even the virus responsible for Covid-19. Sometimes, conjunctivitis may coincide with symptoms of the common cold or flu.

– **Allergies:** Common allergies like hay fever and pet allergies can provoke inflammation in the soft tissue around the eyes. This allergic response not only leads to puffy eyes but also triggers inflammation in the conjunctiva and the white portion of the eyeball.

**What If Conjunctivitis Doesn’t Clear Up On Its Own?**

If your conjunctivitis persists beyond a few weeks or if multiple home remedies have not provided relief, it can be frustrating. According to eye health experts at Lenstore:

“Conjunctivitis typically resolves within one or two weeks. If it persists or causes significant discomfort, seek advice from your optometrist. They can offer treatments to alleviate the issue and conduct an examination to rule out any underlying concerns.”

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